Page:Shorter catechism in verse, with Scriptural references.pdf/21

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AWAKE, my soul, the morning shines!
The sun is on his way;
And darkness down the west declines,
Before the face of day.

The little birds are all on wing,
And warbling 'mong the sprays ;
Do thou, my soul, them join, and sing
The great Creator’s praise.

O God Almighty ! thou art he
Who did from nothing frame
The heav’n, the earth, and rolling sea;
How glorious is thy name !

O ! teach me how I may perform
Thy holy will aright!
For man at best is as a worm,
And nothing in thy sight!

As clouds before the morning’s face,
With rapid speed retire ;
So may, before thy glorious grace,
My sinful thoughts expire!

The way of evil may I shun,
And every wicked snare;
Remembering always what thy Son
Did for poor sinners bear!

O, may I ne’er forget, when young,
That thou delight’st to hear
The praises of an infant’s tongue
Approach thy gracious ear.

As I to years of manhood grow,
May I continue still
Thy heavenly wisdom more to know,
And more obey thy will!

For life, for death, my soul prepare,
That I at last may gain
The paradise above, and there
For evermore remain!