Page:Siberia and the Exile System Vol 2.djvu/580

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Kartainíshef, Mr., Siberian editor, II. 492, 517.
Katkóff, M., I. 3, 5; attack on, by Gasetn Gátsuka, II. 486.
Katún River, I. 200, 213, 217, 219-222, 224-226.
Katúnski Alps, I. 188, 200, 201, 206, 208, 218-221.
Katúnski Pillars, I. 219, 221.
Kavaléfskaya, Márya Pávlovna, political exile, II. 212-216, 447; insanity of, 214-216, 259; participator in hunger-strike, 216, 266; suicide of, 216, 267.
Kavaléfski, Prof., political exile, II. 212-214.
Kaválskaya, Elizabeth, brutal treatment of, II. 258, 263, 265, 267; participator in hunger-strike at Irkútsk, 338.
Kazán, Tatárs of, I. 10; krémlin of, 10, 19; arrival at, 19; architecture of, 20; exile bureau in, 78; visit to, II. 428; protest from, against Siberian exile, 458; censorship of press in, 491.
Kaznakóf, Gov.-gen., protest from, against exile system, II. 465.
Khabarófka, prison at, II. 541, 542.
Khanúef Munkú, chief of police at Selengínsk, II. 74-82, 84, 88, 92, 94, 97.
Khaltúrin, Major, brutality of, II. 235-239; administration at Kará, 260.
Khambá Lamá, the. See Grand Lama.
Kharkóf, disturbance among students in, II. 45, 46; prison of, 206, 254, 255, 338.
Khersón, robbery from treasury of, II. 375-377.
Khoróshkin, Gen., governor of Trans-Baikál, II. 264.
Khrenófski, Stánislaus, political exile, II. 261.
Kiákhta, determine to visit, II. 61, 62; journey to, 63-78, 98-101; town of, 101-105, 107, 108; commerce of, 104.
Kibítkas, description of Kirghis, I. 146-148.
Kiev, University of, banishment of students, I. 261-263; killing of Beverly at, II. 26.
Kírghis, defensive measures against, I. 145; first meeting with, 145-149 ; cemetery, 150, 151; wrestling, 164-167; anthropological researches among, 176; pursuit of learning among, 184; shopping among the, 197, 198; dress of, 198; greetings among, 199; visits to, 200; summer encampments of, 211, 212; horses, 211, 213, 217, 222, 223; use of camels by, II. 418, 419.
Kírghis of the Wild Rocks, I. 217.
Kírinsk, prison at, II. 530.
Kistiakófski, Prof., remarks on punishment on suspicion, I. 274.
Klembótski, Mr., quarters with, II. 102, 117.
Klementóvich, ——, hotel-proprietor in Nérchinsk, II. 321.
Kléments, Dmítri, political exile, II. 395, 404, 407, 412, 436, 449, 450, 494.
Knut, use of the, I. 74, 75; abolition of, II. 239.
Kobyliánski, ——, political exile, brutal treatment of, II. 233; immured for life at Schlusselburg, 237.
Kohan-Bérnstein, ——, political exile, II. 450.
Kókchetav, political exiles in, II. 31.
Kokóftsef, Mr., assistant chief of prison department, II. 234, 374; on prison reform, 314.
Kolénkina, Madam, political exile, II. 188, 189, 193.
Koliván, prison at, II. 541.
Koliván, Lake, I. 283.
Kolmakóf, Mr., hospitality of, I. 124, 125.
Kolpakófski, Gov.-gen., harshness towards political exiles, II. 40-42.
Kolymá, River, I. 266.
Kouonóvich, Col., humanity to exiles, II. 206-210, 216, 219, 220, 222; resignation of, 206, 216-220; appointed to command of Saghalín, 221; administration of, at Kará, 259, 260.
Kopún, hardships at, II. 281.
Koran, expurgated by order of censor, II. 493.
Korbá, Anna Pávlovna, political exile, II. 215-249, 450.
Korbá, Victor, husband of Madam Anna Korbá, II. 245, 246.
Korf, Gov.-gen. of the Amúr, II. 61; treatment of Madam Kaválskaya, 263; orders Madam Sigída to be flogged, 266, 267; protest from, against exile system, 465; advocate of prison reform, 467.
Korolénko, Vladímir, political exile, I. 245, 246, 265, 271, II. 20, 21, 24, 436, 441, 450, 494.
Koválski, Iván M., political exile, II. 447.
Koválskis, the, II. 501.
Kozéllo, Adjt., II. 544.
Kozúlskaya, étape, II. 543.
Kraiéfski, ——, Russian editor, II. 440.
Krásin, Bóris, isprávnik of Tiumén, I. 83.
Krasnoyársk, exile bureau in, I. 78; prison of, 263, II. 366-370, 523, 531, 532, 537, 538, 541, 542, 544, 553; arrival in, I. 357; our return to, II. 365; hospital at, 366; departure of marching party of convicts from, 368-370; risks of police interference in, 379-383; departure from, for Minusínsk, II. 383.
Krasófski, Gov., I. 308.
Krémlin, meaning of the word, I. 10.
Krivoshéin, ——, political exile, death of, II. 259.
Kropótkin, orthography of name, ix.
Kropótkin, Prince Alexander, my first impressions of, I. iv; political exile, 325-333, 385, 449, 450, II. 494; suicide of, 332, 333.
Kropótkin, Prince Pierre, I. 327, 331, 332, 335, II. 494.