Page:Siberia and the Exile System Vol 2.djvu/590

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Villúisk, attempt to rescue Chernishéfski from, II. 251-253.
Vinokúrof, Col., inspector of exile transportation for Western Siberia, I. 78, 81, 95, 96, 114, II. 259, 370, 371.
Vítort, Mr., political exile, I. 233, 236.
Vladimir, Grand Duke, I. 72.
Vládivostok, Volkhófski's escape from, I. 341.
Vlangálli, Mr., I. 2, 3, 303, II. 176, 429.
Volashkévich, Dr. V. S., II. 529.
Vólga Messenger, I. 266, II. 491.
Vólga River, I. 1, 5, 6, 10, 13-21, 83, II. 491, 510.
Volkhófski, Felix, political exile, I. 333-345, 347, II. 450, 494; suicide of his wife, I. 334, 335; letters from, 335-338; receives a ticket-of-leave, 337; story of his escape, 338-344.
Volnóf, Vassílli, political exile, II. 261; flogging of, 262.
Volokhóf, Peter M., political exile, I. 265.
Voloshénko, ——, political exile, brutal treatment of, II. 233; immured for life at Schlusselburg, 237.
Voluntary exile, I. 79, 80, 82, 83, 94.
Volzhski Vestnik. See Volga Messenger.
Voronínskaya, sand-storm at, I. 192, 193.
Vorontsóf, Basil, Russian political economist, II. 212, 494.
Vorontsóf, Márya Pávlovna, political exile, II. 212. See Kavaléfskaya, Madam.
Vorontsóf, Paul, father of Madam Kavaléfskaya, II. 212.
Voskhód, II. 490.
Voskhód, II. 489, 494.
Vostóchnoe Obozrénie, I. 77, 266, II. 260, 524, 526, 527, 532, 533, 537, 538. See also Eastern Review.
Vostók, II. 485, 488.
Wages, in gold mines, I. 42.
Wallace, D. Mackenzie, arrest of, I. 31.
Ward, Lester F., American author, work burned by censor, II. 494.
Wardropper, Jacob R., hospitality of, I. 107.
Watchmen, night, I. 45, 152-154.
"Wealth of Nations," prohibited book, I. 185.
Week, the, I. 36, II. 23, 491.
Western Siberia, climate of, I. 62, 63; flora of, 63, 64; commerce of, 105; watchmen's rattles in, 152, 153; topography and scenery of, 283; protest from, against exile system, II. 460; runaway convicts in, 462.
West-Siberian Branch of Imperial Geographical Society, I. 323.
"What Is To Be Done?" II. 249.
Wheelbarrows, chaining prisoners to, II. 207, 227, 234, 259.
White Berél River, I. 217-219, 226.
White Caps, flogging in Russia compared with actions of, II. 271.
Will of the People, party of the, II. 248, 249.
Windt, H. de, statement about Tomsk prison, I. 321, II. 510-518, 521-523.
Wines, Dr. E. C., U. S. Commissioner, II. 374, 539.
Wocikof, Dr., I. 61.
Women, in Tiumén forwarding prison, I. 94; flogging and suicide of, II. 263; prisons for, 149, 150; Major Khaltúrin's brutality to, 236; searching, 258. See also their names.
Wrásskoy, Gálkine. See Gálkine Wrásskoy.
Wrestling-match at Semipalátinsk, I. 164-167.
Wurts, Mr., Secretary of U. S. Legation at St. Petersburg, II. 135, 424, 425, 428.
X——, Mr., I. 141, 142.
Y——, Mr., political exile, I. 246, 247.
Yádrintsef, N. M., Russian author, II. 461, 465-467, 494.
Yádrintsoff, Mr., Russian author, I. 215.
Yágodkin, Col., hospitality of, I. 288, 311, 314, 351.
Yakútsk, territory, extent of, I. 57, 265; banishment to, II. 19-25, 27, 43.
Yalútorfsk, political exiles in, II. 31; protest from, against exile system, 460, 464.
Yána, I. 60.
Yeniséi River, I. 360, 361, II. 383, 384, 386, 392, 393, 398, 400, 416, 531.
Yeniséisk (province), comparison of size, I. 57; Chudnófski's book on, 323; our entrance to, 354; runaway convicts in, II. 462; crime in, 463.
Yermák, conqueror of Siberia, II. 422.
Yurkófski, ——, political exile, attempt to escape, II. 232.
Yúzhni Krái, II. 486.
Z——, Mr., accused of political conspiracy, I. 246.
Záblikof, our ferryman over the Shílka River, II. 133-135, 277, 278.
Zagárin, Col., inspector of exile transportation for Eastern Siberia, I. 78, 393, 396, 404, 405, II. 120, 366, 371, 372.
Zagóskin, Mr., editor of Sibír, II. 1, 17, 440.
Zarya, II. 490.
Zashíversk, a town without existence, I. 265, 266.
Zasúlich, Véra, crime of, I. 257, II. 445.
Zatsépina, Miss Zeuaïd, political exile, II. 407.