Page:Side talks with girls (1895).djvu/198

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THAT'S the way I think it ought to be worded. Because, then, the trace of selfishness that suggests itself in "Me and My Sweetheart" is entirely lost. And there can be no real love where selfishness exists. You may smile at this, my dear girl, and think that then there must be very little love in the world; there is only a little bit, but you have a right to your share of it. Your sweetheart and you! I wonder if you know what that means to people whose sweethearts have drifted from them, whose sweethearts have forgotten them, or whose sweethearts have been taken away from them by that inexorable tyrant, Death? The days are long and sunshiny, and the knowledge that you possess a sweetheart, a real one, ought, it seems to me, make your heart dance with delight, every duty become a pleasure, and every pleasure seem tripled.