Page:Side talks with girls (1895).djvu/9

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A side talk with girls means a word here and there about things that are interesting—a little discussion of this or that which provokes a question.

Our girls are going to be the wives and mothers of the future; they are going to make homes in which they should know how to rule royally.

Now a royal rule is one that strengthens the weak, has sympathy for the sick, knows how to be glad with the merry, and marks with the white stone of a good deed every day in the year.

You and I like to sit down before the bright fire at night and gossip about the doings of the day; compare notes about what looked pretty in the shop windows; agree or disagree about a book or a ribbon, think out schemes of economy, measure out the money in the purse, so that it will allow for a pleasure, and talk over those little points of