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Signs and Wonders

nounced- that I would meet him on Sabbath night. The hall was crowded and they said hundreds were turned away.

Dear reader, it was an undertaking to meet this giant. He boasted of his college course, of his education, of his wisdom, of his popularity, and made it appear that I was a poor, ignorant, blinded crank. I am a crank for Christ, and the devil cannot turn me. My trust was in God. I set my face like flint, for God was with me, knowing that no weapon raised against me should prosper, and every tongue raised to condemn me I should confound. When I arose to talk the congregation was as still as death. I held the paper in my hand that contained Doctor B.’s arguments, and referred to one after another, and proved them to be false. He said that I had failed in every scriptural test. and that I was a fraud. I said the best proof of our being called of God to preach was the fact that souls were saved. I asked all who had been converted in these meetings to stand up, and over two hundred arose.

I asked all who had their bodies healed by thé power of God to stand up, and about fifty stood up. The people said that before I had taken the Bible in my hand, I had cut his head off with his own sword. I met all his arguments on the Bible and did not go outside of it. I proved him to be wrong on every point. Glory to God for victory! With all his boasted wisdom God chose a weak woman to confound and condemn, and show to the world that it was useless to fight against Him or the Holy Ghost power. Not one minister stood by me, but all united in opposing and trying to crush me. Notwithstanding all this power of darkness that was arrayed against me, the interest increased daily. Requests came from all the best citizens and from all over the city to stay, saying I had gained such a victory over Doctor B., and all the opposers of the true doctrine of Christ.

Many of the brightest talent in the city were inquiring the way of salvation, but God was calling us back to Louisville, Kentucky. We closed our meeting with many sad hearts and much weeping. We left the next morning at nine o’clock. When we got to the depot we found a large crowd there to see us off.

Old gray-headed fathers thanked us, with tears streaming down their cheeks, for leading their children to Christ; wives, that their husbands were saved, and drunkards, that they had been saved from a drunkard’s grave.