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Life and Work of Mrs. M. B. Woodworth-Etter

looked on in wonder and amazement. From a human standpoint, everything looked dark and discouraging. Surely God’s ways are not our ways. It takes a great deal of confidence, faith and courage in God to move forward at His command, not knowing one step of the way. Here we were in a strange land and our money about gone. No means to go back east. We confessed we were pilgrims in a strange country, but knew we were seeking a city out of sight. We had no thought of going back till a great work had been done for the Master. We had no fear of suffering for want of means; we knew our God would supply all our needs.

The meeting was not advertised. The people did not know what was going to be done there. The first night twenty-three came. They felt that God was there. I told them that God had sent us there, and there would be a great work done; that hundreds would be saved. In a few days the tent would not hold the crowds that would come to hear the gospel. Some laughed, as much as to say, I would rather see the crowds in this wet tent than to hear of them coming. All who were there came the next night and brought others with them. Some of God’s children heard of us and came to see. They saw and felt that God was there in power, and that a great work would be done. One of them went and ordered stoves, and had them put in the tent at once. They got lumber and put a nice floor in the tent. Oh, how we praised God for his tender care over us! We could hardly stand the cold and dampness, but now things looked bright and comfortable. The dear Christians seemed to anticipate our wants. It was very cold in our dwelling tents; we had not yet got a stove.

At the close of the meeting one night, as we started from the large tent to our dwelling tents, I said I wish we had a warm stove in our tent. As we opened the tent door, to our surprise we found some kind hands had been there and set up a stove and had it red-hot: We were made to give glory to God and say the Lord will provide. We never knew who put it there. In a few days one brother sent in seven dollars worth of groceries. One gave twenty dollars; another fifty dollars. In this way the dear Lord continued to provide and care for us.

The Christians came from all the churches to the help of the Lord against the mighty, with their prayers and with their