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Life and Work of Mrs. M. B. Woodworth-Etter

over the seas; so that the wonderful gospel, and the mighty works of Jesus, through the Holy Ghost went out, and were scattered in many parts of the world.

I never saw so many nations represented in one meeting, nor so many of them brought to Christ. They were saved and filled with the Holy Ghost. Many of these felt God was calling them to their own nation to work for the salvation of souls. Many were called to evangelistic work, and were baptized with the Holy Ghost and power. They started back to other nations to preach the glorious news of a Saviour’s love, and of the soon coming of the Lord.

The power of the Lord followed the preaching in “signs and wonders.” The slain of the Lord were many. Many sinners of all classes were stricken down in their sins. Some lay for hours. Some had visions; they came out brightly converted. Among them was an old man, sixty-three years of age. He gave a short experience one night of his life and wonderful conversion. He had traveled in all parts of the world wherever white man had trod, and had visited the Holy Land three times. He had stood in all the sacred spots connected with our Saviour’s life. He and a party of friends were visiting Oakland at the time of our meeting. They heard of the meeting and came through curiosity. As he looked over the congregation he made some light remark to his friends about the display of the power of God, and started boldly up towards the pulpit to investigate, but before he reached the pulpit he was struck to the floor by the power of God and lay there over two hours. While in this condition God gave him a vision of hell and heaven, and told him to make his choice of the two places. He called upon the Lord to save him and said he would choose Christ and heaven. He came to, praising God and realizing he was saved and filled with the Holy Ghost. He had lived over sixty long years in sin and had never made a profession of religion.

This brother came to our meeting at Portland, Oregon, three years after his conversion, and told his experience. He said he had been kept by the power of God, saved and happy, and working for the Master in every way he could.

The power of God was over all the congregation, and around in the city of Oakland. The Holy Ghost would fall on the people while we were preaching. The multitude would be held still, like