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shouted for joy; the lame threw away their crutches, and leaped and rejoiced, and said, “Oh, I am healed!” The deaf and dumb clapped their hands, while tears of joy ran down their faces. Children that had never walked ran about praising the Lord. Some, both young and old people who were perfectly helpless, received a shock from Heaven’s battery, that sent life through their limbs; they clapped their hands and jumped and cried for joy.


Many were baptized with the Holy Ghost, and received many gifts; all the gifts were manifested by the Holy Ghost. Many received the gifts of healing; the casting out of devils; some of miracles; of visions; of the gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands; some received the gift of new tongues, and spake very: intelligently in other languages, as the Spirit gave them utterance. He gave them to know what they were speaking.

The Lord called one man by name, and told him he must go to many nations, to give them the light, and to speak to them in their own languages, and gave him the gift of writing the interpretation. He also saw many visions. The Lord revealed the deep things to him. Since then he has preached to many strange people: of all nations. They would weep and cry out and say, “We will serve the man that died for us.”

A little girl was brought to mie one day; she was helpless all over, and could not talk or walk, and had no use of herself. I prayed for her. The crowd was great as there were hundreds trying to step into the pool, so we told them to take her out a little, and let her try to walk, for she might walk at once, or they might have to teach her, like any other child learning to walk. After a while they came back with her. She was walking and talking; but they could not understand a word she said! Praise the Lord, she had the use of her whole body, she was walking and talking in a strange language or tongue. She was filled with the Spirit, and as bold as a lion in the power of the Holy Ghost.

I stood her on the platform, and she began to walk about, and preach. With hands uplifted, pointing to heaven, and stamping her foot; she preached to the astonished multitude, showing what great things the Lord had done for her, for she spake some words in English.