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After revisiting two or three towns, our next meeting was held in Anderson, Indiana, January, 1891. We found the Church of God we organized over four years before still alive for God. We had very large crowds; many were unable to get in. The dear Lord wonderfully poured out his Spirit in saving and healing power.

A sister met with an accident over five years before and had her hip injured. It had withered away till for three years she had not been able to be out of bed. For a while she had gone about some on crutches. She had other diseases. Some of her friends took her to the altar. When I saw her she was lying there prostrated. I saw she was in a terrible condition, but I knew there was nothing too hard for the Lord. I told her to put her trust in God. I prayed for her and she arose perfectly healed of all her diseases, and went shouting around the house. She left her crutches in the church and walked home.

Another sister was healed of a terrible cancer on one side of her face, head and eye. She was healed instantly. All signs of the cancer soon disappeared.

We gave glory and praise to God for his glorious presence in the meeting. I felt very much rejoiced and encouraged by meeting so many, who were saved five and six years before in this State, who were not only happy themselves, but, were working in so many different ways to bring others to Christ.

At Muncie and Anderson I met twenty-one licensed ministers who were converted or anointed in our meetings for the work. Some are ministers in the Church of God, some in the M. E., U. B., Friends, Baptists, and Newlights.

From Anderson we went to Pendleton, Indiana, to hold meetings in the United Brethren Church three days. A number were converted and several healed of bodily ailments.

A farmer living near Pendleton was healed in our meeting six years before. He had been to the asylum three or four years. He would get a little better for a few days, then be worse than

ever. His friends brought him to the meeting. He was converted