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work together for good to those that love the Lord, to them who are the called according to His purpose.” (Romans viii, 28.)

The next day (Sabbath) great crowds came out to the meeting, and seeing the destruction of the tent, the sympathy was aroused of both saint and sinner. Many of the best citizens came to the front and began to raise money for a new tent. They soon purchased a tent. We dedicated it to the Lord. Notwithstanding these difficulties and many others that were in the way of the meeting, God was with us in power from the beginning, and the spirit of conviction rested upon every congregation.


The people were hungry for the word of God. They sat during the sermon, which was an hour or more long, and paid the best of attention. The city was wonderfully stirred. Many got out their Bibles, that no doubt had been laid away for years untouched, and searched to see if these things were true. All classes of sinners came home to God. A number of bodies were healed of different diseases, and a number laid out as dead under the power of God. Men and women looked on in wonder, turned pale, and said, “We never saw it after this fashion.” It was noticed here, as every place we labor, that more than half who are saved are past middle age and many are aged.

A number of drunkards were saved—some of the worst characters in the city. One man when drunk was the terror of the city. Now all these are earnest workers for the Lord—a joy to their families and those around them. The Lord not only saved the outbroken sinner, but also those who were living moral lives.

Many members of different churches were made to see that they had only a profession. Now they know they are born of God, his Spirit bearing witness that they are the children of God, and if children then heirs of God, and joint-heirs with the Lord Jesus Christ.

One sister had belonged to church from childhood. She was considered one of the best workers. When she came to meeting she found she had never had a change of heart. She came to the altar like any other sinner, and cried to God for mercy, and, bless his dear name, he did not disappoint her. Salvation came streaming down in her soul. In giving her experience, she said she