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most of them, were dead spiritually. Almost all the help we had was from those, who had attended our revival at Carroll. The converts and other Christians from Carroll came thirty and forty at one time, and marched to the front like brave soldiers.

One day kneeling side by side at the altar there was one woman sixty years of age, one seventy-five and an old man seventy-three; they were all saved about the same time, and arose praising God for saving them at the eleventh hour. They shouted and leaped around like as though they were sixteen years of age. Their youth was renewed.

Many of the leading business men of the town and surrounding country and many-of the best farmers were brought to Christ. People came to this meeting from the surrounding country on the cars and in buggies.

A lady came from Mount Pleasant, Iowa, almost two hundred and fifty miles. She was healed at our meeting at Columbus Junction about eight months before of cancer of the stomach. Seventeen doctors had given her up to die. She had since her healing gained fifty pounds, and is now well, and living in the State of Iowa. Her testimony cannot be doubted; God carried conviction to the people’s hearts as she stood up and declared what the Lord had done for her, and how wonderfully she was healed.