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a number of tent meetings and the Lord has been with her, and blessed her labor.

A lady who had been healed of a tumor, in one of our meetings the summer before was at this meeting and told how she had been healed, and had been perfectly well ever since.

Conviction fell on the people, the fear of God made them tremble. The children of the Lord said, “We had a Pentecost.” Praise the Lord! As Brother Talmage said, “We ought not to be looking at a dead Pentecost of the past, but we ought to have thousands of Pentecosts all along the way.” One day a woman was brought to the meeting on two crutches. She had not walked a step without them for eleven months, and for four months was confined to bed. Her sufferings were so great, she could scarcely endure them. The doctors gave her no hope. As I laid hands on her and prayed, the power of God came upon her. She was saved and healed, and sprang to her feet, walked back and forth through the tent, clapping her hands and praising the Lord. She left her crutches in the tent, and walked away. She attended the meeting until the close, and was always ready and happy to testify how Jesus had healed her. Her minister, and many members of the church of which she was a member, went to her house and came away and reported that she was well.

One of the leading members testified in the tent that he heard of her walking without her crutches, and he did not believe it, and said he would go and see, and if she was not, he would denounce Divine Healing. To his surprise, when he went to her home, he found her doing her own work, perfectly well and free from pain. She had no use for her crutches. He left the house praising God, instead of denouncing Divine Healing. He praised God that he was convinced that He was just the same to-day as in the days of the Apostles. Several women were healed of decay of the ovaries, a disease nothing can, reach or cure but the surgical knife, and then they nearly all die, in, or from the operation.

One of the women who was healed of this disease refused to come to the altar to be saved when asked, but the Lord struck her down in the congregation, she lay like she was dead. At the same time her husband was at the altar seeking Christ. In about an hour she leaped to her feet shouting. She said she was saved and healed. The doctors had all given her up. They said the only thing that might possibly save her life would be an opera-