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help anywhere, was saved and perfectly cured. She came back and gave glory to God.

Some Jews, one the wife of a Rabbi, came for healing. When she first came she asked if she could not be healed without Jesus. I told her no, she could not. She said she did not want anything to do with Jesus. She was badly afflicted, and had suffered much for many years. I talked some to her, and then she went away; but she came back in a few days, was saved and healed, and confessed Christ in public, praising Him for His wonderful works.

Many Swedish and German people and other nationalities came. We could not understand each other, but they were healed and converted.

Two boys were brought from the deaf and dumb school. The deaf and dumb spirits were cast out, and they both talked and heard perfectly. Three mutes came—two men and one woman. All received their hearing and speech. The woman was healed of other diseases, two of which were heart trouble and tumor. When her husband saw she was healed, and that the tumor was gone, he cried and praised the Lord.

A woman in Moline came with a cancer; she had been given up to die by all the physicians. Her mother died with cancer. Her clothes just hung on her—she could not bear anything to touch her, because the least pressure would make her vomit. When I saw the condition she was in, so swollen and deformed, I threw back her wrap and told the people to look at her, she was dying with a cancerous tumor, but the Lord was going to heal her and take it all away right then. She could not kneel down, so I told her to sit on the altar, and that God was going to heal her now. I laid my hands upon her and in the name of Jesus of Nazareth, I commanded the unclean spirits to go out of her. All the pain and misery, the cancer, and the tumor, all passed away. She arose before all who had been watching, from the gallery down, praising the Lord, and saying she was perfectly healed. She came back and testified to being made whole and well.

Shouts arose from the gallery and all over the hall. Strong men wept, and men and women came and knelt at the altar saying, “I believe there is a God; I want to be a Christian.”

A lady came from Iowa, almost dead with tumor; she was given up by the specialists of Chicago and St. Louis. The pain