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to praise God. Many were struck down by the power of God and had visions.

The people continued from day to day to look on in wonder, and say we have seen strange things today. Many would weep, others turn pale when they saw the power of the Lord was present to save and to heal.

Many came from hospitals, given up by the best doctors in the city as incurable. They were saved and healed. Some of them soon went to hard labor, proving what great things the Lord had done for them.


(Reprinted from the Apostolic Light, of Salem, Oregon.)

St. Louis, Mo.—Rejoice with us in the goodness of our God and Saviour, for he has been very gracious to us. During the last two months, at Sister Woodworth-Etter’s meetings alone, hundreds have been saved, and a greater number healed. Most of the latter were chronic cases; many only came after the doctors had pronounced them incurable. One woman had spent $500 on her child for healing. Several hundred have had hearing restored; some had been paralyzed, others had tumors, consumption, and withered limbs, and were healed.

Yesterday during the afternoon meeting the Lord Jesus bowed the heavens and came down. Many were under the power. Two women and a girl were struck down unconscious, and lay on the floor. The girl came to after an hour and said she was saved and had the witness of the Spirit. The second woman lay unconscious for about two and one-half hours, with both arms raised to heaven. When she was recovering she sang praises unto God in the Spirit, and warned sinners to repent. The third woman lay unconscious till the evening meeting, about four hours, and said she had a message for us from the Lord, the substance of which I wrote in stenography, so you have it direct from the Throne of God. She said:

“T was carried away and was with Jesus in heaven. I saw my parents there, and my children who had gone before me, and others I knew. Some are dead that I did not see; they were cast into the outer darkness. A man who had been put to death by cruel men, and whom I had been burdened about for months, I