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A young girl came to the meeting and made fun of the workers, but the Lord saved her and showed her the darkness of Roman Catholicism, and she gave a wonderful testimony of how the Lord had delivered her.

The Lord appeared to her in a vision and told her to go to the suburb where she had previously lived, on the next day, and he would give her many souls. He showed her in a vision those he would save.

She obeyed and went the next day and called on one of her old friends.

They expressed surprise at seeing her look so happy, as before her conversion, she hardly ever smiled,, and was dissatisfied and unhappy, and used such rough language. They said, “What has happened to you? You look so happy. We want that kind of religion too.” She told them how to get it, and they went to praying. God sent His power, and pretty soon they all fell over, and lay for fifteen or twenty minutes. A little girl, about nine years-old, ran about the house shouting and saying, “Mama, I see Jesus, I see Jesus.” They all came out brightly converted, and shouting. Ten in all, including the hired girl.

Then she went to another house, and they said the same thing, they saw such a great change in her, and asked her what she had done, and she told them she was converted. The power of God came on her while speaking, and she began to preach to them while under the power of God, and when she came to, she found they were all overpowered; they lay for a while, and came out shouting the praises of God, nineteen of them in all, as neighbors had been called in.

After this, as she was walking down the street, she met a girl friend, who was going to a dance hall, to attend a committee meeting, to arrange for a picnic next day. She was invited to go too; at first she refused, but the Lord showed her to go.

When she got there, she found it was one of the places she had seen in her vision. When she began to speak, the power of the Holy Ghost came on her, and she preached to them, and when she had finished they were all twenty of them lying round on the floor, like a battlefield. She prayed for them, and they all came out brightly converted.

Forty-nine were saved that day, of whom forty-eight were Roman Catholics, and one a backslidden Methodist.