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Throngs pack the large tent at every service, many of them coming from other states. Already great numbers of people have come from 100 to 2,000 miles, bringing their sick and afflicted. Letters are pouring in from all parts of the United States and Canada, as many as forty in a single day, inquiring about the meeting, and requesting prayer for healing.

A man came several hundred miles, suffering with three broken ribs, caused by a fall. As impossible as it may seem, when hands were laid upon him and the prayer of faith was offered, immediately the soreness left, and the broken ribs, the ends of which had turned inward, came into place and knitted together spontaneously, and although a few minutes before he flinched from pain when Sister Etter laid her hands upon his side, after healing he could pound upon these ribs with his hands—the healing was perfect. He was also a backslider and was wonderfully reclaimed.

A full-blooded Choctow Indian woman came from Oklahoma, a great sufferer for thirty-eight years with a running sore on her foot, caused by a cow stepping on it when she was sixteen years of age. It was a mass of proud flesh, and the odor was almost unbearable. Was kept awake at nights and could not bear the weight of the covers on this foot. By the laying on of hands, God instantly took away all pain, and the foot in now healing up.

Last Sunday, Brother Bosworth baptized thirty-nine more in water and the power of God was present in a mighty way. A great crowd witnessed the scene.

More than one hundred and twenty-five have received the baptism in the Holy Spirit during the past two months, eight received the baptism on last Saturday night, twelve one Sunday. There have been as many as fifty baptised in the Holy Spirit in one week, many receiving it in their homes. For two months the mighty power and presence of God has been present in these services in a marvellous way.

Increasing Wonders of God in Dallas, Texas

The meetings are increasing in interest and power, and the people are coming from many states. A man got here yesterday morning, coming from Indianapolis, Ind., on purpose to attend this meeting. Another from the Pacific coast, some from Illinois,11