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Another night there appeared a very large white cross. It stood before me in the skies as I was about to go to church, and many white roads leading up to it.

The prophet Joel (Chap. 2, verse 28) speaks of these signs following God’s people (also see Acts 2, 4-5).

A brother came to these meetings who had been a holiness preacher for eight years past; he had been fighting this work for about three years; finally the Lord showed him he had to make a final decision, and he decided to walk in the Light. He, his wife, and four sons, and daughter, and her husband, all received the baptism of the Holy Ghost, since they attended these meetings. The power of God often comes on two of the sons, and while prostrated under that power, they have glorious visions of the Eternal world. One son was healed of a swelling in the head. After he was prayed for it ran off and away, and has not hurt him any more. The power of God comes upon them also in their own home; the Spirit of God speaks through them in other tongues, and they have visions.

One woman had a tumor in her face and jaw for many years, was in an awful state, could hardly take any nourishment. She came back and testified that it had all disappeared and the side of her face was straight like the other.

A man brought his wife on the way home to die, given up by all the doctors. She had cancer of the mouth, and she was saved and healed. At once the swelling all went down and the soreness went, and she had the perfect use of her mouth. She came back the next day to testify that she was healed.


Report by the Pastor, Elder F. F. Bosworth

Having, during the past five years, read and re-read volumes 1 and 4 of “The Life, Work and Experience of Mrs. M. B. Woodworth-Etter,” recording the wonderful Acts of the Holy Ghost in her evangelistic meetings during the past thirty-five. years, we became very anxious for her to come and help us in the work at Dallas, Texas, where for many months we had been conducting Pentecostal meetings every night, during which time there had been a continual revival, many being saved, healed and baptized in the Holy Ghost according to Acts 2:4.