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power so common in the day of Finney, Jonathan Edwards, etc., has been manifested, often “The slain of the Lord” covering nearly all the altar space in the front of the tent. Many most wonderful visions and revelations, throwing light on the coming of the Lord, etc., have been given to those thus slain by the power of God. Many have seen balls of fire and lights in and around the tent (Acts 2, 3 and 26, 13). Some of these have been sinners. Jesus has appeared to many in the meetings, and many have at different times seen a great host of angels just above the audience.

In one service, several at the same time saw and heard the awful explosion of the mine near Constantinople, and screamed out at the same time; so this, and a number of awful battles in Turkey, and other calamities, have been seen and told in the meeting, before it appeared in the daily papers.

We praise God for bearing witness to the Gospel, not only with signs and wonders and divers miracles, but also with gifts of the Holy Ghost.

In accordance with Acts 19:12, handkerchiefs have been anointed and sent to the sick in all parts of the United States and Canada, and many have been wonderfully healed at the time the handkerchief was applied to their body. Others have been saved and healed while reading the reports of the meeting in the religious papers.

Besides great numbers being wonderfully saved and healed, about three hundred more have received the Baptism in the Holy Ghost during the last three months, speaking in other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance. Over one hundred of this number were from other states and towns. A number of these were ministers. We have just lately moved into our new large frame tabernacle, seating one thousand people, and Sunday hundreds were turned away, unable to get into the building. During the past few days people have come from the Atlantic to the Pacific to attend the meetings. We see no reason why still greater victories should not be given during the months to come. There has been a continuous revival here ever since February 2nd, 1911.

I have heard many preachers who could very eloquently point out what Christianity should be, and the wonderful possibilities of faith, but I know of none who, during the whole period of their ministry have had the faith to so wonderfully demonstrate the