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The Lord always backs up her preaching with the visible signs of His presence, which shows that Jesus is working with her, confirming the preaching with the signs accompanying and following.

She has the “power” of the Holy Ghost, or the gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying of hands and prayer; so often I have seen it especially at. St. Louis, Indianapolis, and Dallas. Just lately out of ten whom she prayed for in succession the Spirit came on them in such power that they all fell prostrate and lay around the altar.

Of Brother Etter, I have seldom met a brother so entirely free from insincerity at all times. He speaks the truth in his heart, without guile or hypocrisy, and is ever ready to ratify and endorse his wife’s preaching; he is equipped in every way for the work which God has called him to.

I know of no one God has so highly honored. I look to see her occupy a high position in the Kingdom of our Lord in Heaven, and I have lived in their home for months at a time.

While I was in the work in England I got so hungry to be in their meetings again, that having received an invitation from them to come and again help in the meetings, I came clear across the Atlantic ocean direct to their meetings, and have been working with them since.

Yours, trusting alone in the Atoning Blood and Merits of Jesus, Evangelist.
W. J. Mortlock, England.


“Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you: but rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ’s sufferings; that when His glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy.” (1 Peter, 4, 12 and 13.)

Jesus said they hated him without a cause. The real children of God are clothed with light and power; with the Holy Ghost from heaven, sent from the Eternal Throne of God. The world does not: know us, because it did not know him, so the devil brings all his forces into the battle against Jesus and his saints; but He that is in us, is greater than all that are against us; and the Lord will fight our battles, if he has to bring down all, the Armies of Heaven.