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heaven yet. The spirit of the saints since Pentecost, have gone to be with Christ. Paul says, I know, and am confident that when I am absent from the body I shall be present with the Lord.

He ascended on high and gave gifts to men. Yea, to the rebels also. Jesus did not have all power until after God raised him from the dead. No one could have the gift of God, Eternal Life, until after he was born of the spirit.

Jesus has all power. He was raised up with all power. The Holy Ghost was with the disciples, but Jesus said, “He shall be in you.” When they were all together, Jesus met with them, and He opened their spiritual minds. He breathed on them, and said, “Receive ye the Holy Ghost.” They received him, and became partakers of the divine nature. They received the gift of God, were enlightened, and cried out “My Lord and my God.” No one ever had that experience before that time. They were sons of God by the new birth. It was the gift of God, Eternal Life, “Yea, for the rebellious also.” This is the most important of all gifts. For without this gift you can never get inside the Pearly Gates.

When the sinner stops his rebellion, and repents, God gives him faith to accept Christ. God gives him power to become a son of God, who are born, not of man nor of the will of men, nor of flesh and blood, but by the power of God. He is then no longer a rebel, but a son, for he has received the gift of God, and has been born of the spiritual family of God. His name has been written in the family record, by the finger of God, and it has been said “This man was born in Zion.” He has the finished work on Calvary for sin, and uncleanness, and he is now a child of God, ready for any or all of the gifts of the Pentecostal baptism, and power. He is God’s man.

Jesus received gifts for men. When Jesus was giving his last blessing, on the mountain, before going up to heaven, he said to them, “Tarry at Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from come upon you. Ye shall then be witnesses of me. All power is on high. Ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost has given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. These signs shall follow them that believe; (all that believe on me) These are some of the gifts that I will give to men, “in my name they cast out devils, they shall speak with new tongues, they shall take up serpents, and if