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God is promising great blessings and power to qualify His handmaidens for the last great harvest just before the notable day of the Lord comes. We must first be baptized into Christ by the one Spirit, that is to be born of the Spirit; then we ought to be anointed with power and wisdom. The Spirit ought to be poured out like oil on our heads, to give us knowledge of the deep thing of God. The Lord says we shall prophesy.

“Paul says desire spiritual gifts, but rather that ye may prophesy.” (I. Cor. 14.1.) It makes no difference how many gifts we have, if we have not the gift of talking, and teaching, it will not avail us much. The Lord has promised this greatest gift to his handmaidens, and daughters. In the third verse Paul explains what it is to prophesy. He that prophesieth speaketh unto men to edification and exhortation, and comfort. He that prophesieth, edifieth the church. No one can talk for God only by the enlightening power of the Holy Ghost. Moses said, “Would God that all the Lord’s people were prophets, and that the Lord would put His spirit upon them.” (Numbers 11.29.)

While Jesus sat at Jacob’s well to rest, there was a poor woman, one who was living in sin, who came to the well to get water; although she had fallen very low, and was despised by her friends, so that she had no one to lift her up and tell her of a better way, Jesus came to seek the lost, to lift up the fallen.

God help us to follow his example; if they feel that their feet are slipping into the pit of hell, Jesus is a mighty Saviour. He can lift them up and make them children of a King.

Jesus preached salvation; the woman was converted; she left her pitcher and took the well of salvation with her, and running to the city, went up one street and down another, with her face shining with the glory of God. Perhaps the people would have scorned her an hour before; now they saw and felt the change. “Look what he has done for me. He will do the same for you.”

The people left their stores, their places of business, left their parlors and kitchens, and came out in great multitudes to see the Saviour of the world. There was a great revival there at the well. Jesus went into the city and stayed two days. The wave of salvation went on and on. This was the result of one sermon by a weak woman. Many were converted and made to rejoice in a Saviour’s love by the preaching of the woman who said, “He told me all things that ever I did.” They came to her and said. “We