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glory, and said when God poured out His Spirit on His sons and daughters they would see visions and dream dreams and prophesy. He told them that these signs would be sure to follow the outpourings of the Spirit.

The Lord said to Miriam, “If there is a prophet among you, I, the Lord, will make myself known unto him in a vision and speak to him in dreams.” Moses said, “Would to God all the Lord’s people were prophets and all would prophesy.”

Peter says we will all prophesy when we have the spirit of God, and visions is one of the signs that we have the Spirit.

The Lord says if we are prophets He will make himself known to us in visions. The heathen, or gentiles, were perishing; they knew nothing of the religion of Jesus.

God used two visions to bring about a great revival, where the whole congregation was converted and filled with the glory of God. This was the first Holy Ghost revival among the heathen. It was a sample of all that was to follow. When the people saw the visible signs of the presence of God in their midst, and He revealed himself to them, everyone felt they were in the presence of God, and sinners came rushing to the loving arms of Christ and were saved from the awful doom that awaits the unsaved.

“Where there is no vision the people perish.”

Those who are opposing the demonstration of the spirit today say we do not need these things, that we are progressing with the age, that we want an intellectual religion, that we must explain and present the word from a human standpoint in a scientific way.

In these last days the masses of so-called religious teachers belong to the class Paul said, who have a form of Godliness but deny the power. From such, turn away. They will not endure sound doctrine, will turn the people away from the truth.

These false teachers are in a worse condition than the Jews were. They are sinning against much greater light. They are willingly blind, and are teaching their followers to hide behind a refuge of lies, trusting to doctrines, and traditions of men, “In vain do they worship me,” saith the Lord.

The judgments of God in the most awful way are coming upon the false church.

We might say they did not need these visions in the revival at Corinth. Why did not the Lord call all the apostles, and the