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ings, teachings and power, and taught more about these things than any, or all the rest of the apostles, and he proved clearly that all this power would be for the people of God forever.

The Book of Revelations is the most wonderful of all in the Bible. Christ appeared to John in person and gave him one vision after another. He showed him the Heavenly City, the Great City, the City of Gold, and the Jasper walls. The City lieth four square—fifteen hundred miles high, as long and wide as it was high. He was told about the climate, the inhabitants, and their occupation. He had visions of the great judgment day, of the lake of fire and brimstone and all the lost that were swept into it. The Lord told him to write all that he saw and heard, and show it to the Churches, and they were to (show it to the world.

The prophet said, the time would come, if any one had a vision, when they would be ashamed to tell it. That time is here. The masses of church leaders look upon everything supernatural as a disgrace and cry out, “Hypnotism,” “Excitement,” “Drunkenness,” or some other power. Just like the Jews, progressing with the age, they are satisfied with dead form.

The churches are filled with unconverted people. Where there are no visions the people perish. If there is not power enough for visions, there is not enough to save a soul.

The gift of visions was especially promised in the last days. “And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh: And your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams;

And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and hey shall prophesy.” (Acts 2.17-18.)

Thank the Lord, those days are here, and God is revealing Himself to those who come to Him in the right way in special gifts, in healing all manner of diseases, in all the fullness of the Holy Ghost power. Hundreds are having wonderful visions, and wherever these signs follow the word, all classes flock to Christ.

Dr. Talmage went into the Brooklyn tabernacle one Sunday morning and said to his congregation: “I have been to Heaven; I have just got back and will tell you what I saw.” The first one he met in Heaven was his mother, who had been dead thirty--