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furnished the means for promulgating the creed until the Bahaian, Movement has swept across our country, and today is to be, found in all of the larger cities, and has a following of 12,000,000 people.

“And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: See that ye be not troubled, for all these things must come to pass.” (Matt. 24.6.)

From the time of our own Civil War, which drenched our land in blood, almost every country has been plunged into the horrors of war. The great conflict between China and Japan in 1895 was followed by the Spanish-American war in 1898. Scarcely had the war-clouds between us and Spain rolled away, when the world was reading the details of another bloody strife, this time between Great Britain and the Boers, and for three years: South Africa was deluged in awful carnage.

Just two years later occurred the Russo-Japanese War, which was the bloodiest of all recent conflicts. (Preached years since.)

When we realize that within the past twelve years, eight of the great nations of the earth have been engaged in the awful holocaust of war, and that each conflict has increased in intensity and loss of life, one is made to ask with deepest solemnity: WHAT WILL THE END BE? (Think of conditions now, 1916.)

The powers of the world today are outwardly at peace, but more than once the rumblings of war have been heard on the Eastern continent, and might have broken forth, but for the fact that strong internal forces of revolution are at work in Russia, Turkey and China... Communism, Nihilism and Socialism are threatening the foundations of the strongest thrones, and not a crowned head today is safe from the assassin’s bullet.

“For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: And there shall be famines and pestilences. And earthquakes in divers places. All these are the beginning of Sorrows.” (Matt: 24.7-8.)


“There shall be earthquakes in divers places.” (Matt. 24.7.)

Now, as we come to the subject of Earthquakes we find that during the past twenty-five years practically every country has15