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those that seemed to be the best established, that we thought would suffer almost anything for Christ’s honor and glory, compromising with those that have no power, only a form, from such the Lord said, turn away. Many others go off in fanaticism, accepting delusions, that they might be damned. There never was such a time.

Fanatical teachers are swarming like bees in the large cities, and going about to every place deceiving and being deceived, and if it were possible they would deceive the very elect.

The perilous times are here. They will not endure the faith of the glorious gospel of our Christ.

Neither will they tolerate it much longer, they try to crush it out in every way.

The Lord said to work while it is day, for the night would come when no man could work. “Having done all, stand.” (Eph. 6.13.)

We are going through that time now, the spiritual famine is on us, but the Lord said he would sustain us in that time, and care for those that trust him.

We see the Laodicean church is being spewed out of His mouth. His spirit is withdrawn from them, the next call will be to judgment.

The most of the salt of the professors of religion has lost its saving qualities.

It is only a little flock that is holding the angels in check, and the world from awful rack and ruin. The servants of God will all soon be sealed, then the Lord will take the Bride, the lights of the world out. She is as fair as the morn, as bright as the sun, and as terrible as an army with banners.

Christ is a perfect Saviour; he came to restore all that was lost in Adam’s fall. When Adam fell he lost his holy nature; sickness and death came to the body. If Christ could not restore soul and body, he would not be a perfect Saviour. The believer’s soul is made perfect in this life, pure and white; the body will be subject to disease, until the coming of Christ.

At the crucifixion of Christ, “The graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, and came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the Holy City, and appeared unto many.” (Matt. 27.52, 53.)

Paul says, “He shall change the body of our humiliation that