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Those who go up when Christ comes are the Lamb’s wife. He returns to build up the waste places of Jerusalem. The soil will all be fertile then, and the people will not need to do much work. It will be like a holy camp meeting all the time during the millennial age.

The first time Jesus comes none see Him but the Bride. The world hates her, and cares nothing for her, and Jesus is going to take her away.

Christ will come as quickly as the lightning flashes from the East to the West, just that quick He will snatch His bridal company away, while the world sleeps in a drunken stupor.

But the next time He comes all will know it. “Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess,” every eye shall see Him, and every slanderous tongue will have to confess before the world that these were God’s chosen vessels.

This honor belongs to the saints. They will have to confess that we were right and that they were wrong. God is very proud of His Bride. Children of God now deny themselves many of the things of the world, but we are heirs of the Kingdom, though many of us are poor in this world and having hard times. There is going to be a change in this old world. God is calling you to behold. Don’t go a step further. Don’t step over the mangled body of Christ any more or it may be the last time.

The first time the Bride will be caught away, the second time she will come riding on white horses. Jesus will stand on Mount Olivet and they that pierced Him shall see Him. You know now down in your hearts that Jesus is the Christ. That we people are every one in earnest. That we hear something more than natural men hear. The wisdom we get from God who gives liberally. That has been my prayer more than anything else, “Give me wisdom.” Almost a blind man can see if he looks at the signs of the times.

Daniel says the wise shall know when the Lori comes.

You may say I don’t believe. You don’t want to believe and that day will overtake you as a thief in the night. None of the wicked shall understand the signs of Jesus’ coming. Ye who are children of the light shall know and that day will not over- take you, unexpectedly. God gave Daniel a picture of the lost world, none of whom should know when He comes.

Who are the wise? Those who know the time of the Lord’s