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should last a whole year, it has now lasted a year and a half, and the end is not yet in sight."—Washington Post, Jan. 30, 1916.

The Toll of War

“The blackest eighteen months known to the modern world! The net result has been 2,990,000 men in the very prime of life killed, more than 2,200,000 made prisoners, and more than 9,830,000 wounded.”—International News Service.

“So over the whole world is heard the sound of the trumpet and of the alarm of war, and ‘two-thirds of the world is at war.’ I know that daily we are treading amidst the most intricate dangers, that the world is on fire and sparks are likely to drop anywhere,” President Wilson said—Washington Post, January 30th, 1916.

Time foretold in prophecy. Joel 3.9, 14; Rev. 11.18; Jeremiah 25th, 31.33. Two things are plainly seen in these Scriptures. First, that when the day of the Lord is near, the nations of the world will be making gigantic preparations for war.

“Prepare war, stir up the mighty men, let all the men of war draw near, let them come up, beat your plowshares into swords and pruning hooks into spears, let the weak say, I am strong.” If this had been written by a present day observer of events, it could not have described the international situation more accurately.


The last conflict of the nations or the European conflict, terrible and far reaching as it is, is not the Armageddon of the nations of which the Scriptures tell us, but it surely is a forerunner of the last great clash of the world empires.