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quiring from afar off, and others are coming. Interest is growing and we are expecting great things from God. Bad weather has hindered the crowds, but many good people are coming, who before would not attend Pentecostal meetings.
Fred Lohman.


After closing the meeting at San Antonio, Texas, my husband and I started on the long journey to California. We arrived in Oakland, where, twenty-six years before, I went with a sickly husband, two young girls and a janitor. We were entire strangers. We had one large and six small tents in the rainy season, when all campers had taken their tents and left. There was scarcely a ray of hope or anyone to look to but the Lord. A few saints came out to see what was going on in the tent. They soon found out that God was working in a mighty way. Some of the most influential men and women of the city, among them were George Montgomery, Dr. Smith and wife, and Lawyer Tripp, who lifted the financial burden off us. And others also came as they were able; many thousands were saved, healed and baptized in the Holy Ghost.

I remembered how the Lord had shown me at that time the great earthquake that was coming on San Francisco, Oakland and adjoining towns, and that I would live to work over the ruins. Now, after all these years, I saw that prophecy fulfilled.

Dear Brother and Sister Montgomery kindly insisted on us stopping at their beautiful home of peace at Beulah Heights for a week of rest before commencing meeting in San Jose. But when the dear saints knew we were coming they insisted on having a meeting if only for a week. We had a great desire to meet the dear ones after so many years, so we stayed one night with Sister Montgomery, then held services five days in the theatre in Oakland. It was a time of rejoicing, meeting many who had been saved, healed and saved from the grave. Brother and Sister Montgomery, Dr. Smith and wife were greatly used of the Lord. All were surprised to see such an outpouring of the Spirit in so short a time, so many healed, saved, and filled with the Spirit.