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It was marvelous how God brought all the different Pentecostal missions together. I never permit any doctrinal points; no “isms,” no antagonistic points to be aired or brought up in my meetings; nothing but Christ, and Him crucified, and the Resurrection. They soon understand and get their eyes off one another, and forget their ideas and differences and begin to love one another and soon feel the need of getting deep in God. It was glorious to have so many ministers, evangelists, and workers from everywhere coming like little children to the feet of Jesus to get refilled for better service; the watch word was “Go forward.” We all felt we must get deeper in God, the need of more power from on high; of special qualifications from the Lord, of gifts and wisdom, and discerning of spirits. They became hungry for more of God. Their very flesh cried out for God. We prayed for hundreds of those ministers and workers with the laying on of hands and the power of the Holy Ghost fell on all, many fell and lay at the feet of Jesus, like the prophets and apostles of old, they had visions of Heaven and saw things to come; they believed what the Lord Jesus had said of the Spirit of God: “He shall show you things to come.” (Jno. xvi.) Many received gifts and special calls. The conviction was so deep that scores of believers came out from the audience wanting the laying on of hands and prayer. There were too many. So the Lord showed me if they all would come and stand before the pulpit, He would bless them, I told all hungry souls to: gather around, and give themselves to God for everything and anything: we would stand and sprinkle: the blood of the everlasting covenant, the-Blood of the Lamb on them, and then God would pour out His Spirit and give them blessing and gifts. I asked: several of the most God-filled ministers to stand with me in faith and prayer! Oh, it was wonderful how the cloud of glory and power came down! Many staggered and fell, the power swept all over the house. This was something new, no one had ever seen anything like it: Many were saved and healed. Surely the power

of the Lord, was present to heal, save, and give gifts, and