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God was with us in power to save and heal. Many ministers and workers were present from many States. The word was spoken with power and great was the multitude that gathered up and carried the baskets full to give out to hungry souls. Many miracles of healings were performed.

One, a girl that was hopelessly blind was saved and got instantly healed. When we laid hands on her and prayed for her sight, it was perfectly restored. Her mother was taken there, a hopeless cripple. with many diseases, nearly insane. She thought that she had committed the unpardonable sin. She was saved, healed, made perfectly whole, and received the baptism of the Holy Ghost. She then went from Arkansas to California, telling all along the way what God had done for her. After two years, I met them again in San Francisco, Cal., both full of the Spirit, and always ready to tell the large audiences how wonderfully God had healed them. The young sister that received her sight had the loveliest pair of blue eyes you ever saw; large, long lashes, very high. It surely was a great miracle.

A saloonkeeper in the city bought one of my books, Acts of the Holy Ghost; and took it to his wife. She was taken very sick. While sitting by and waiting on her, he began to read the book. He got convicted, was converted, and soon sold out his two saloons and went to Moody’s Bible School in Chicago, and is now preaching the gospel. This is just a little of what God did in the Hot Springs meeting.

I could write a good sized book from every meeting that we held, telling what God has wrought, but write just a little here that you may know that there is a God in Israel.
Mrs. Woodworth-Etter.


(From “Word and Work.”)

The good work goes on, praise God! One night a man, blind for 25 years, was healed. He had been pronounced incurable by - specialists. God sent him here from Des Moines, Iowa, which

was 1,200 miles, to receive his sight. Others are being healed.