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Sister Etter's Vision

Greetings to all the Saints, in Jesus’ Name, at home and abroad:

For the last three years my burdens and cares have been heavy. I traveled over 11,000 miles, carrying and caring for my invalid husband. I carried him from the Atlantic to the Pacific, holding meetings three times a day, in the large cities, and stayed at each city for a month or longer. With all the burdens that are connected with the work of the Lord, standing alone at times, caring for my husband day and night, then adding to all this the sorrow and bereavement of laying my husband to rest in August, while I was in the midst of a large campaign in Philadelphia, Pa., he urging me to go forward with the work to the very last. Passing through this heavy strain, and laboring continually, I finally got very weak in my body. I only kept going through Divine life and strength.

When I left home for our meeting in Chicago they had to take me to the depot in an auto. I went, believing that God called me, and that He would hold me up through the meeting, which was to continue for one month or longer, D. V. The Lord wonderfully sustained me through the time that I had promised. In my weakened condition I contracted a severe cold one day, which soon developed into pneumonia. My co-laborers and friends at once decided to take me away from the meeting, home to Indianapolis, where I could rest. Following you will find the testimony of a skilled medical brother, Dr. Green, of the Martinsville sanitarium, Martinsville, Ind., about my condition at this time.

Martinsville, Ind., Dec. 24, 1914.
Mrs. M. B. W. Etter, Indianapolis, Ind.

My Dear Mrs. Etter:—I wish to testify that on the 20th of November, on Sixty-third street in Chicago, at 10 a. m., I saw you in your room at a temperature of 102, pulse rate 100 and

irregular, with prune juice expectoration, making a germ cell