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Also a Few Days at Pueblo, Colo.

The work that God did at our meeting at Topeka, Kans., began to spread far and near. Los Angeles, Cal., where we held the World-wide Camp-Meeting just a few years before, was the next field of labor that we had promised.

In the meantime the saints at Colorado Springs, Colo., learned that we were to pass through their city and that we had a little time left before our meeting in Los Angeles began. They sent in urgent requests to us; “Real Macedonian Cries” for us not to pass them by without giving them a meeting, and deal out to them the Bread of Life. Although I needed rest so badly, I felt that I could not pass by this needy field of labor, and we promised them a few weeks’ meeting. When the saints received my assurance that I was coming, they at once began to cry to God for good weather. They had rain almost every day for a long time, making it almost impossible to hold a meeting in a tent. God wonderfully heard and answered their prayers. The day the meeting started it stopped raining and did not rain again until the day after we closed, except for one little shower, which lasted only a few minutes while the meeting was on. This little shower showed us how helpless we would have been had not God checked the rain, as the tent let the water through so that we had to use umbrellas.

God greatly blessed us while the meeting lasted. They all told us that it was a hard field of labor, little having been accomplished for God all summer. We found out that this was so, but nothing is too hard for God, if we only trust Him and keep looking up to him.

The meeting was not extensively advertised, as we came on short notice. Just a few days before we arrived the minister whose field of labor it was, and whom we expected to stand right by us, got an urgent call to help in another field, This left us practically alone, but God was still with us,435