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Back Again for Two Months. Two Angels Visit the Place.
Some Wonderful Healings

From the time I left the World-wide Camp-meeting in Los Angeles, I felt that the Lord would call me back and that my work was not finished in that city. From the time I left I received calls from all over the State to go back. At last, through the earnest call of dear Bro. G. Garr, and many of the saints, and feeling sure that it was the Lord’s wish, I accepted the call.

They rented a large garage, the largest building that could be secured, seating about two thousand people. October 1st was the date set for the opening. We had been laboring hard and steady from the time the Lord had raised me from what many believed to be my death bed, through His miraculous power, eight months before, when we started on the long journey to Tampa, Fla. In those eight months we had held conventions in six States, the meetings lasting from two to six weeks at a time. I was very tired when we started on the long journey to California, but the Lord sustained me and kept me safely night and day for the month in Los Angeles. We had many difficulties and trials and many things to contend with that greatly hindered the work; so that the Lord could not have His way. The cloud of glory was always over the people, but many times when the Lord was ready to come forth in a mighty way, some one or more would get in the way and the cloud departed from the tabernacle. Oh! why is it that so many of the saints get in the way and try to steady the ark, when they ought to know that it is speedy death or barrenness to their souls and lives when they do it? The Spirit is grieved, that is why there is so little of the presence of the Lord felt and seen, and also why there is not great results in the salvation of souls. God cannot come forth with His wonderful working power in the Baptism of the

Holy Ghost, sealing the saints with the signs following.