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During Panama Exposition

While holding meetings in Los Angeles we had many calls from all over the State, but no one gave us any encouragement to go to San Diego, they said no one seemed to have very much means, and that it was a hard place, only a few saints, and they were all divided on strange doctrines.

I said, “I think I am more needed there than any other place.” God is all powerful, and He always sends me to the hardest place, but He never has failed to go with me, and has always came forth and led, us on to glorious victory, I hear Him say, “preach my word, and I will be with you and bear witness of my Presence and approval with ‘signs and wonders.’” Well, praise His Name, there was not an encouraging feature; we were up against a stone wall. The few saints made quite an effort, and were willing to do anything, to have victory for the Lord Jesus in that place, where they knew so little of the Spirit and power of God.

Brother Harlow did all he could, stood nobly by, and went on with the work after I left, with good success.

The Lord was present in the first service to save and to heal.

As the saints and ministers came in from different places they all began to get deeper in God. He came forth in many mighty signs, the most powerful messages in new tongues or other languages, many as on Mount Sinai as the trumpet sounded louder and stronger and the people in the camp trembled. They knew it was the voice of Jehovah.

So in the meeting at San Diego, the people knew that the Lord was speaking through the lips of clay, warning, and prophesying, and showing the judgments of God, that were being poured out, and more awful calamities that were coming soon and some that were right at the door.

These messages were interpreted in English in an intelligent and fluent manner so that the fear of God came on every meeting.

God also demonstrated in signs, showing forth the Word and