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Signs and Wonders

and sung, "Oh, Think of a Home Over There." I said we would shake hands while singing, and all think of our Home and loved ones over there. The whole congregation wept, and we all felt that if we never met on earth again, we would meet in heaven, where there is no parting and no sorrow.

I held a basket meeting, commencing July 28th, 1883, and continuing three days, in the beautiful grove by the side of the river. There was a large attendance and the best of order prevailed. On Sabbath about two thousand people assembled in the grove. We had a praise meeting in the morning. It was a glorious sight to see the children of God from all denominations, and hear them raise their voices telling their hope of heaven. At the close of this heavenly feast I preached from the text, "Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the root of David, hath prevailed to open the Book, and to loose the Seven Seals thereof." The power of God was wonderfully present. A death-like stillness rested over the people, and many of the saints and sinners wept. In the afternoon Bro. M. preached on "The Early Dawn of the Church; its Moonlight and Sunlight of To-day." At the close we went to the river near by, and a number were baptized by Bro. M. As I looked over the multitude crowding the river-bank, my mind went back to the scene at Jordan. In the evening I preached from the text, "Behold, the Bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet Him."