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A Symbol of

The Outpouring of the Holy Ghost on the Day of Pentecost

Sermon by Mrs. M. B. Woodworth-Etter


2 Chron. 5:11-14: “Tt came to pass when the priests were come out of the Holy place.”

I want you to see how they came; 120 of them with different instruments, yet all making the same sound; the Levites arrayed in white linen, emblematic of purity. “It came to pass, as the trumpeters and singers were as one, to make one sound to be heard in praising and thanking the Lord; and when they lifted up their voice with the trumpets and cymbals and instruments of music, and praised the Lord.”

There were 120 priests blowing trumpets, there were singers and instruments of music, but they were as one, to make one sound. “For He is good; for His mercy endureth forever”; then the house was filled with a cloud, even the house of the Lord; so that the priests could not stand to minister by reason of the cloud; for the glory of the Lord had filled the “house of God.”

The 120 priests who were supposed to minister, stood like statues, and the Holy Ghost took the meeting. The entire building was filled with the glory of God.

All this demonstration, the house filled with the glory of God, was brought about by the 120 priests blowing the trumpets; the sounding of the different instruments mingled with the voice of the great company of singers; the whole object being to glorify God, and all making one sound.

God wants perfect harmony. No one criticising, no one finding fault, but all sounding forth His praise; and in white—purity.

If we go out to meet God clothed in white, washed in the blood