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Life and Work of Mrs. M. B. Woodworth-Etter

in the State. But God can work and give victory if we only exercise present living faith, no matter how wicked and forsaken a place may be.

I went to work, trusting; in God and shouting victory. Sinners began to flock to Christ, the church came out for a better experience, and troubles were settled. Some of the brethren from other churches came in and helped with the work. Many who had been in the church for years found that they were only dry bones, and came begging for mercy. They afterwards confessed to the church that they had been in the dark, had been trusting in works without an experimental knowledge and that they were not accepted of God.

A lady who had been in the Disciples church for fifty-one years was converted at home during the meeting. As she shouted all over the house, she praised God and said that this was the kind of religion she wanted.

Mr. B., a popular and talented moral man, came out in a bright experience. The churches had been trying for years to lead him into the lifeboat. He attended the meeting. When I saw him I felt that he must be saved in that meeting. I worked in different ways, praying day and night for him, and was confident that he would soon be a child of God. One night I felt that the time had come. The house was crowded, and the aisles were full of benches. I climbed over several and made my way to him and asked him if he was not ready to come to Jesus. He began to weep and went with me to the altar. Many shouted for joy. No one could doubt his conversion, for they could see the change in his countenance.

Father S. had not been to meeting for twenty years. He was opposed to all churches, and tried to keep his wife and children from coming to the meeting. He was eighty-three years old. His wife was very anxious for his soul's salvation. She showed him my picture and tried to get his curiosity aroused. Finally he came to a day meeting. When I gave the invitation for seekers, he started for the door. I met him, and when I saw how aged and feeble he was, and thought of his lost condition, my heart was melted in pity for him. I felt that God had sent him there to be saved and that it must be now or never. I talked with him until he yielded and went to the altar. In few minutes he was brightly converted. Soon after he was immersed, and united with the