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Life and Work of Mrs. M. B. Woodworth-Etter

still loved Jesus. She said: "Yes, but papa is sick. I talked and prayed with him, but could not get him to meeting." The trouble was, he was sin-sick. God had sent conviction to his heart. He saw he was a sinner and on his way to hell. I told her to tell him to come to meeting to-morrow; that he might not get well.

He came with her, and I took him by the hand and asked him if his little girl had talked and prayed with him about his soul. He said she had, and began to tremble and weep. I told him he was standing in the way of his child; that he did not want his child to say in the Great Judgment Day: "I never heard my father pray." He went with me to the altar. An old man who was converted a few days before prayed with him, and it was not long till he was blessed. They clasped each other around the neck, their white locks like cotton, both weeping for joy. It was an affecting scene. Truly, "A little child shall lead them."

I went from there to Maples, and was kindly welcomed in the little chapel by the brothers and sisters. I found a full house and the little band of faithful workers; and they did a great work in the meeting.

About fifty of the converts came from New Haven and went to work. As they came up the aisle, their bright and happy faces shining with the love of God, I commenced to sing, "Reinforcements now appearing, victory is nigh."

The people at Maples were acquainted with most of these persons, and they were surprised to see the great change in them, as one after another got up and testified of salvation and the love of Jesus in their hearts, and exhorted sinners to flee from the wrath to come. Two of these were little boys. They had walked from New Haven, five miles, to be at this meeting. They talked like little preachers. We had a glorious time.

The revival commenced at once. We continued the meeting ten days. The power of God was wonderfully manifested.

After at Little River we went to Massillon on Saturday and had three meetings in the church, and the house was crowded. Massillon church has indeed become "A City set on a Hill." Of the hundred that had been converted in the past winter, they told me they were all standing firm. Bless the Lord! they were nearly all there to speak for themselves. Six or seven would rise to their feet at once to speak of the love of Christ.

Oh, how I praised God when I saw the happy faces of the