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Signs and Wonders

us, but I trusted in the Lord Jehovah to give us the victory. And many hundreds praise God for the meeting at Tipton.

On the second Sabbath evening, amidst the most intense excitement, when the altar was filled with seeking penitents, a Mrs. Y. went into a trance, and while in that condition, Dr. P. went to the front part of the house to see a trance for himself. She soon commenced to motion for him to get down on his knees. He fell as one dead. He yielded to the Lord; as he afterwards said, he believed it was then or never. God blessed and saved him.

I never saw such demonstrations of the Spirit and power as at this meeting. Many of the leading church members were struck down or stood held, not able to move, under the power of God; their faces shining with the glory of God. The presence of God was so felt that the fear of the Lord fell upon all the people.

In the two weeks I was here over five hundred came out on the Lord’s side. May they ever be kept faithful to the end of life.

News of the wonderful work of God was spreading all over the country. The interest was so great I could not get any time to rest, day or night. Committees were sent from all parts for me to go and hold meetings in different churches. I was so exhausted from constant work I could hardly sit up. We slipped off to Indianapolis, and took boarding in a private house, hoping to rest a few days, without any one knowing where we were; but we had not been there half a day till several ministers from the city churches came to see me, and tried to persuade me to hold meetings in their churches. I told them it was impossible at that time. They then urged me to preach on Sabbath, but I had to refuse.

Some came from Pendleton, Indiana, who traced us to our boarding-house, and begged very hard for me to come there, if only for a week. I had only one week before my next appointment. I saw I could not rest there, so I told them I would go. The news of my coming got there a few hours before I did. The preacher’s family, and neatly every other, were cleaning house and making garden. Things could not have been more discouraging. I was so weak I had to go to bed till meeting time, and then be helped to church. I stayed eight days. The result of this wonderful meeting was that several hundred souls had their names written in the Lamb’s book of life, including many leading citizens