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Life and Work of Mrs. M. B. Woodworth-Etter

converted during the meeting: An old gentleman living in the southern suburbs of the city attended one of the meetings and purchased a song book, and after he got home, sat down and read it; while reading he was converted and broke forth in song and praise, which drew the neighbors to his house. These joined in and were also converted. The singing and shouting of these converts were heard throughout the neighborhood.

These meetings were participated in by as good men and women as there were in that county, or as can be found in any county.

While hundreds were stepping into the lifeboat, and starting for glory, many bright men and women were almost persuaded, yet they would not surrender. I was very much concerned about them. I felt it was now, or never with them. The Lord impressed me to say it was the last call, and to ask all who believed in prayer to fall on their knees, and raise faces and hands to God, and to ask him to shake the earth; to send an earthquake, if necessary. The people, five hundred or more, knelt in prayer with their hands raised to heaven, and what a wonderful sight it was! All expecting the Lord to come near in some wonderful way. The power of God fell in the congregation, and all at once the earth began to shake. There was an earthquake, and it was felt all over the city. It was the time that Charleston, South. Carolina, was destroyed, and it reached to Anderson, Indiana. The prayer of faith will be answered, if the Lord has to bring heaven, down.

The earth has been shaken at many places so that the multitude swayed and fell.

A lawyer got up one day in the meeting and said he must say a word about the good work that eternity alone would reveal. He held in his hand a letter he had received from his brother, who had been a noted infidel, saying, he had never seen me, nor attended any of my meetings, but what he had seen and heard of them from a distance and by reading my book he was converted and was going into the ministry. He said he had several, hundred dollars worth of infidel books, and he had made a fire and burned them. The lawyer who told this about his brother said he was an infidel when I came to-the city, but his infidelity was all swept away.

I organized a church in the grove. Two hundred and ninety-