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Signs and Wonders

on the following Saturday night at the opera house. Here, as at other places, we found true Christianity at a discount, and, dear reader, do not be surprised when I tell you that on the first night when I asked those who were on the Lord’s side to stand up, no one in the large crowd acknowledged that he belonged to Jesus. This was the start at Greensburg, but before many days scores were on their feet at once, only too glad of an opportunity to tell that they were on the Lord’s side.

We continued our meetings for four weeks and had a grand victory for our Master. Several hundred were brightly converted. Many were entranced at the different services, some of them seeing wonderful visions. A merchant’s wife who was converted was entranced at one of the services while sitting in a chair. While in that condition she was the very picture of loveliness. The scene was awe-inspiring and caused the stoutest-hearted to weep. She came out shouting, having, as she said, seen her daughter in heaven.

Judge W. came to the meeting from Anderson. He told the congregation he felt it a duty he owed to God and the people to come there and tell what the Lord had done for him a hundred miles away in answer to our prayer. He said he was very low with consumption; had given up all hope of getting well; expected to die soon; and that I had appointed a time for prayer and told him to go to the Lord at that time and expect God to heal and baptize him with the Holy Ghost, and we would pray for him at the same time and it would be done. He said while all alone with God at the time appointed he was healed. The people saw he was well and strong. He stayed several days at the meeting.

Brother H., a Methodist minister of Indianapolis, was very sick, and was instantly healed while we prayed for him. He came to Greensburg and told what Jesus had done for him. While he was talking the power of God fell upon him. He began to shout, Hallelujah! The words rolled out with such power and sweetness that they seemed to come from behind the Throne.

At the close of the meeting at Decatur we packed our tents for the season and returned to Indiana and held a few days meeting. While there we met many of those who had been healed of bodily diseases at the meetings a year previous, and in every instance they were strong and well, just as we expected, for God’s work is not like man’s. It is thorough and lasting.