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Life and Work of Mrs. M. B. Woodworth-Etter

time, and sometimes the third. They were not only stricken down as dead in the meeting, but many miles away. One man was struck down in a trance at his home and lay in that condition for three days. Several doctors went to see him, but could not tell what was the matter with him. He came out praising God, and came to the meeting to tell his experience.

A woman asked the Lord to show her if we were teaching the doctrine of Christ. The Lord showed her in a vision. The plat- form we used for a pulpit, and the altar or mourners’ bench, that reached nearly across the rink, were pure white. She saw me and those who were with me clothed in pure white. On the platform she saw some earthen vessels, white as snow, and over all these was a soft cloud of glory, whiter than the driven snow. Over all the vessels she saw in shining letters: “These are my chosen vessels bearing the pure gospel of Christ in power.” Everything you see is pure white, the symbol of purity. She told the vision to the congregation.


The heavens shall glow with splendor,
But brighter far than they
The saints shall shine in glory,
As Christ shall them array;
That beauty of the Saviour
Shall dazzle every eye,
In the crowning day that’s coming by and by.

Our pain shall then be over,
We'll sin and sigh no more,
Behind us all of sorrow,
And naught but joy before;
A joy in our Redeemer
As we to Him are nigh,
For the crowning day that’s coming by and by.

Let all that look for, hasten
That coming, joyful day,
By earnest consecration
To walk the narrow way;
By gathering in the lost ones
For whom our Lord did die,
In the crowning day that’s coming by and by.