Page:Silver Shoal Light.djvu/321

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JOAN and Garth were alone at the lighthouse on a late afternoon of heavy clouds and dull sea. Jim and Elspeth had gone into Quimpaug for the mail as usual, but also to get what Jim termed "a few flourishes" for Garth's birthday. This errand explained their so heartily agreeing with Garth's wish to stay and keep Joan company. They had suddenly remembered that the small purchases must be made that day in readiness for the celebration on Monday. Caleb was away, as he often had been of late, for his mother was ill; and Joan remained in charge at Silver Shoal. Before Jim left he carefully explained to her the "workings" of the fog-bell and the manner of lighting the lamp.

"It's absurd," he said, "because there's no fog within a hundred miles, and I shall be back long before light-up time. But such is my duty. A competent person must be left in charge, say