Page:Silversheene (1924).djvu/57

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barely fifteen feet away and Richard who was inexperienced hazarded another shot.

This time he was successful, for the wolf sprang into the air and fell kicking in the snow not a dozen feet away.

"That's one of them, old pal," he said to Silversheene, who was fairly raging to get into the fight. "If I could get another I'd let you go."

Then the second wolf again appeared behind still another tree. He was not over twenty feet away and Richard was getting rattled by their boldness, so took deliberate aim and fired. It was a lucky shot as the second had been. And the second wolf crawled away to die.

"I guess we have done for him," said Dick. "If I knew there were only three I would let you go."

But the matter was taken from his hands by the dog himself, for with a frantic bound he broke away and with two springs disappeared into the woods. A few seconds later Richard heard the rapid motions of a