Page:Simple Lessons in Irish, Part 1 - O'Growney.pdf/3

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The following course of simple lessons in Irish has been drawn up chiefly for the use of those who wish to learn the old language of Ireland, but who are discouraged by what they have heard of its difficulties. A language whose written literature extends back for over a thousand years, and which has been spoken in Ireland for we know not how many centuries, must naturally differ in many ways from the modern languages now generally studied. But the difficulties of Irish pronunciation and construction have always been exaggerated.

As I myself was obliged to study Irish a foreign language, and as I have been placed in circumstances which have made me rather familiar with the language as now spoken, I have at least a knowledge of the difficulties of those who, like myself, have no teacher. I have tried to explain everything as simply as possible, and I have the satisfaction of knowing that these lessons during their appearance in the Weekly Freeman, and afterwards in the Gaelic Journal, have made some thousands of Irish people acquainted with what is really our National Language.

I am convinced that a person who speaks Irish, can learn to read and write the exercises of their lessons in a month; and I believe that one totally unacquainted with the language can master the pronunciation of every word in the lessons (Parts I. and II.) in six months.

The following plan of working out the exercises of the Lessons appears to be the best. (1) First, let the student go over the lessons, translating the Irish lessons late English, and writing out the translation. (2) Let