Page:Simple Lessons in Irish, Part 1 - O'Growney.pdf/32

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§ 92. Words.

cuan (koo′-ăn), a harbour Niall (nee′-ăL), Niall
Dia (dee′-ă), God sgian (shgee′-ăn), a knife
fial (fee′-ăl), generous siad (shee′-ădh), they
fuar (foo′-ăr), cold suas (soo′-ăs), up, upwards
gual (goo′-ăl), coal uan (oo′-ăn), a lamb

§ 93. Atá an lá fuar, tirim. Níl an lá fuar, atá an lá te tirim. Níl Niall agus Art tinn, atá siad óg agus slán. Fág an sgian ar an stól. Atá capall agus uan ar an ród. Fág an gual ar an urlár. Atá uan óg ag an tobar. Atá an capall ag dul suas ó’n tobar do’n ród. Níl siad tinn, atá siad slán, atá sinn óg.

§ 94. Hot bread, cold bread. Conn and Art are not at the door; they are going over to the road. God is generous. The knife is not long. There is not wool on the lamb yet. The wool is not long. A ship and a harbour. They are not young. The harbour is big. Niall is young and tall. The coal is not clean; the coal is heavy. Art and Niall are going over to the door. Una is going up to the fort. Do not leave the coal at the door.



Each of these diphthongs has a long sound and a short sound.