Page:Simplified grammar of the Hungarian language.djvu/44

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The indefinite numerals are: sok, much; sokan, many; kevés, few; annyí, so much; számtalan, innumerable; egynehány, a few, &c.

They are all adjectives, and some of them form also the degrees.


A pronoun supplies the place of a substantive.

There are five kinds of pronouns:—

I. Personal pronouns.
II. Reflective pronouns.
III. Demonstrative pronouns.
IV. Relative pronouns.
V. Interrogative pronouns.

I. Personal Pronouns.

The personal pronouns are used to supply the names of persons. They are: én, I; te, thou; ő, he or she; mi, we; ti, you; ők, they; and are declined as shown p. 34,

Note.—As may be seen, there are two forms for the accusative plural; and though both of them may be used in each case, yet there is a shade of difference in their meanings. Bennünket, benneteket, bennöket seem to be more emphatical, and might be rendered in English thus:—all of us, all of you, all of them (i.e., not one excepted).