Page:Simplified grammar of the Hungarian language.djvu/48

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enyém = én könyv-em.
tiéd = te könyv-ed.
övé = ö könyv-e, &c.

Like the genitive case of the substantive, they stand always by themselves—ez enyém, this is mine; enyém, it is mine, &c.—and are equal to substantives. They will take all suffixes of the latter, except those of the plural, which they form in the same way as the personal suffixes—viz.:

Object possessed in the singular: enyém, tiéd, övé; miénk, tiétek, övék.

Object possessed in the plural: enyéim, tieid, övéi; mieink, tiéitek, övéik.

As the personal pronoun is to supply the absent substantive, there must be forms to express all relations of the latter to other nouns or the verb. We have now learned the five cases of the pronoun, which answer exactly to the five cases of the substantives. It remains now to give the forms of the pronoun that would correspond to substantives inflected with the suffixes for place or direction or which are modified by postpositions. They are given in the following:

Rule.—Pronouns which are to supply a substantive with a suffix for place and direction are formed by inflecting the respective suffix with the personal suffixes. For instance, in