Page:Simplified scientific astrology - a complete textbook on the art of erecting a horoscope, with philosophic encyclopedia and tables of planetary hours (IA simplifiedscient00heiniala).pdf/116

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that moment, which are stamped upon each atom of the sensitive organism by the air inhaled with the first breath. This planetary baptism is the basic cause of all the child’s characteristics and idiosyncrasies; it gives certain tendencies which remain through life. This is the Radix or Radical Horoscope which we carry about in our bodies and, whether we know it or not, it is the root of all events in life.

But the planets do not remain stationary in the positions they occupied at the time of our birth; their progress is eternal as is that of our Father in Heaven, and in time they form aspects other than those which they made at birth. These progressed configurations are called Directions, and they mark the time in life when events are due to occur.

Directions are of two kinds, primary and secondary.

Primary directions are formed between the progressed planets and their positions at birth. If, for instance, the Sun was in no degrees of Aries and Jupiter in 25 degrees of Leo at the birth of an individual, then, as the Sun moves forward in the Zodiac at about one degree a day, it will be trine with Jupiter about twenty-five days after birth. The system of time measurement of the planetary progression in general use reckons each day after birth equal to a